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    Interesting article from the comments section Archived Message

    Posted by Tomski on July 4, 2019, 2:42 pm, in reply to "On Eve Of 4th Of July Parade U.S. Attempts To Lure Iran Into Shooting Down Another U.S. Plane - MOA"

    Worth a gander ... sounds plausible but needs a review. Posted by: Taffyboy

    Before the storm
    Iranian "umbrella" defense requires urgent updates

    After the fall of the Libyan regime and the physical destruction of its leader, all the attention of world media, experts and political scientists switched to a new object of Western interests - Iran.

    Anatoly GAVRILOV

    American democracy, having dealt with yet another disagreeable government, continues to realize its growing oil appetites in South-West Asia, aiming at Iran. Painfully tidbit - this Iran! The country produces about 180 million tons of oil per year, more than half of which is exported. About 85% (!) Of foreign exchange earnings in the country's budget is provided through the sale of oil. In terms of proven oil reserves, Iran ranks fourth in the world. The country in terms of daily oil production (about four million barrels per day) is the second after Saudi Arabia among OPEC members.

    The United States is actively pushing Israel, concerned about Tehran’s nuclear program, towards war with Iran. According to analysts, Tel Aviv can strike the first blow independently, secretly from Washington.

    Iranian radars are easy targets for advanced detection and suppression.

    However, the question of exactly when, with what forces a strike on Iran will be dealt, who will be part of the Western coalition, remains open. It is more or less clear only what the strategy of the attackers will be - it has already been well developed during previous conflicts. Obviously, the coalition group will achieve the objectives of the operation with air strikes during an air campaign lasting from several weeks to 2-3 months. On important objects will be dealt several blows with precision weapons. The primary targets for strikes will be plants for the production and processing of nuclear fuel, uranium mines, and facilities for its enrichment. Will get and refineries, other industrial centers.

    But initially the task of suppressing (completely destroying) the air defense system will be solved. Massive use of cruise missiles for various purposes, guided by aviation bombs, the Iranian command and control system will be put out of action, and the system of reconnaissance and anti-aircraft missile fire will be practically suppressed. In this case, the task of the attacking side will be the destruction in the first two or three days to 70-80% of the radar, and subsequently - up to 90%. A similar fate will have to comprehend fire weapons, however, the air defense system will try to avoid such losses. The case will be completed by manned aircraft, which will proceed to the bombing only after the complete suppression of the air defense system. The West protects its professional pilots, and it does not matter that the civilian population of Iran will suffer as well.

    How will Iran respond to aggression? Will it be easy prey? Will Iranian air defense be able to give a fitting rebuff to the aggressor? Let's try to figure it out.

    In general, the Iranian Armed Forces are a fairly serious force. They are equipped with modern weapons, staffed with a high level of training. In preparation for war, the country produces itself and buys modern, efficient weapons abroad. Tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, MLRS, operational-tactical and ballistic missiles, artillery systems, aircraft - everything is there for effective combat operations. Iran has extensive experience in waging war. In the 80s of the last century (by historical standards most recently - 25-30 years ago) Iran waged a fierce war with its closest neighbor - Iraq. In the war, all types of armaments then available were used, including air defense forces and equipment. As part of the air defense groups were locators and fire complexes produced in different countries, including the Soviet ones. Iranian anti-aircraft gunners, along with others, were also trained by Soviet specialists. The defenders of the Iranian sky were able to fight and did not forget how to do it.

    By the way, Soviet specialists simultaneously assisted both parties at war then. The author of these lines happened to be present at the meeting of two schoolmates of the Poltava anti-aircraft school who recalled the lieutenant years and suddenly found out that at the same time they were fighting on different sides of the barricades against each other!


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