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    Braggs rationalising in full Archived Message

    Posted by spike on July 4, 2019, 9:48 pm, in reply to "Not brilliant enough for Billy Bragg"

    What a twat. The comments are almost universally negative


    Been getting some negative responses to my comment that Chris Williamson is part of the problem that Labour has with anti-semitism, rather than the solution. Here's a thread explaining why I believe this to be the case.

    For those who don't know, the MP was suspended because of 'a pattern of behaviour' that included his complaint that the Labour Party had been 'too apologetic' about anti-semitism within its ranks. A number of those who responded to my post demanded to know what is anti-semitic about this comment. While it is true that CW's words do not contravene the IHRA working definition of anti-semitism, they do express a shocking disregard for Jewish sensitivities.

    To dismiss those sensitivities on a purely legalistic reading of CW's comment is to underestimate the role that insensitive statements play in the normalising of abusive behaviour. Take the example of Carl Benjamin, the misogynistic YouTube provocateur aka Sargon of Akkad. In 2016 he tweeted “I wouldn’t even rape you” to Labour MP Jess Phillips, in a message featuring the tag #feminismiscancer. Phillips said she subsequently received over 600 rape threats. When confronted about his comment, Benjamin doubled down posting a video in which he said “There’s been an awful lot of talk about whether I would or wouldn’t rape Jess Phillips. I suppose with enough pressure I might cave, but let’s be honest nobody’s got that much beer.”

    When he was condemned for making such a statement, his supporters brushed away complains by arguing that he never said he was going to rape her, quite the opposite in fact, he said he wouldn't rape her. Technically, they were right. However, the insensitivity of a man using the threat of rape as a means to put down a woman was clear to all but a tiny minority of free speech warriors and misogynists. When Benjamin was adopted by UKIP as a candidate for the EU elections, the party paid a high price. Every interview with a UKIP spokesperson dwelt on Benjamin's comments. While they struggled to justify choosing him as a candidate, no policies were discussed. The party's campaign was derailed and they lost all their seats.

    Was there a conspiracy of feminists working within the media that ensured Benjamin was always discussed when UKIP were interviewed? Of course not. It was the insensitive nature of his comments that caused genuine outrage among fair mined people (and if you're not outraged because these comments were directed at Jess Phillips, you should check your prejudice). Had Benjamin got away with his 'I'm only joking' defence, it would have emboldened misogynists everywhere. Phillips may not be an ally to Corbyn, but no woman deserves such abuse).

    The reasons given by the Labour Party for suspending Chris Williamson - his 'pattern of behaviour' - implies that it was his disregard for Jewish sensitivities rather than an outright expression of anti-semitism that caused him to be investigated, and rightly so in my opinion

    Like Benjamin's rape comment, it sent a message that CW doesn't care what the victims of abuse think. Given the Labour Party's proud tradition of standing up for the rights of victims, such an insensitive attitude should not be tolerated.

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