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    Re: Prof Stephen Cohen on Aaron Mate's new show "Push Back" Archived Message

    Posted by dovetailjoint on July 24, 2019, 9:12 pm, in reply to "Prof Stephen Cohen on Aaron Mate's new show "Push Back""

    It's a form of... mass hysteria, with a posse of witchfinder zealots desparately searching for signs of 'witchcraft.' It's extraordinary, really. And not finding evidence of witchcraft, is taken as... 'evidence' that those damn witches are sure subtle, clever and so devious. They even manage to hide so well that it looks like they don't exist! And if one has the temerity to voice the opinion that it's all nonsense, that becomes a kind of negative proof that one is in league with the witches and Satan, who lives in the Kremlin.

    Looking at this from the outside, rationally; it looks like Washington, the American ruling elite... has gone mad and is retreating from reality into a paranoid fantasy world. That the leader of the Empire are either stupid, cynical or deranged... well, it's no way to run an empire.

    What's crazy is that the 'left' and 'liberals' don't seem to understand, appreciate or care that Trump is probably the only person standing between relations between Russia and the United States getting even worse and moving closer to open conflict. For the 'left' this seems like heresy. They are so obsessed with Trump's evilness that they are perpared to ignore how dangerous all of this is.

    The ghastly Democrats are gripped by this Russiagate hysteria and fantasy to the exclusion of rationality and even sanity. It's ####ing scary. And once upon a time liberals resisted mass hysteria, now they're caught up in it too because their hatred of Trump is more important than anything else.

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