I neither liked Theresa May's character or thought much of her intelligence. Her political skills were poor and and her self awareness seemed non-existent. There was a wilful, ignorant mulish stubbornness about her, my saying which may be unkind to mules. However a mulish stubbornness when dealing with the EU might indeed be the most effective approach. However, she willingly took on an impossible job, and that was to unite her own party behind an agreed framework with Europe to leave the Union. It's what the public, a very small majority, apparently wanted on that particular day, month and year of the referendum. So she did deliver on that. It wasn't a very good agreement, but it did achieve a leaving of the EU and at the same time kept the lights on. But her very own party is now driven by Brexit extremism and a serious shift to even more extreme right wing politicise. Nothing less than a complete break with the EU would do for them. These are the horrible people now basically running and ruining the country. Theresa May worked with these people, and knew what they were, I think beneath it all she was desperate to get her agreement through parliament as she realised if they got their way, there'd be no agreement at all. But, who knows?
I still find it strange that George Galloway is such a vocal, indeed strident, supporter of Brexit. Brexit is basically a right-wing project, funded by right wing players and right wing wealth to benefit right wing corporations and money. I don't know why any Labour or socialist person would wish to support Brexit, I really don't. Read Bella Caledonia for an examination of the money going to Boris Johnson for his campaign and Brexit.
So contrary to the almost universal condemnation of Theresa May's premiership, I don't think she was quite the disaster that she's seen as now, and history might be a bit kinder to her. And that's especially the case now that Boris Johnson is PM. Theresa May's character and morals may have been lacking, but Boris Johnson's character is positively dangerous and his moral compass is confined to the limits imposed by his epidermis. .
The problem is that as long as the Tories are in office, or indeed if a Labour government were to be elected without Jeremy Corbyn, none of the really serious issues of UK society and the intractable geopolitical issues caused by US belligerence and economic failure or the mounting perils of globalised capitalism and environmental catastrophe, are going to be managed or overcome. Our problems, both as a nation and a global society, are now beyond conventional politics and social institutions to deal with.