Posted by dereklane on July 24, 2019, 9:20 pm, in reply to "Re: Beware....."
I'm not defending trump btw (don't feel I should have to point that out here..) but what I said I think still stands. I looked up he empire files btw for the written version - really can't stand having to watch video to get facts. And yes, sanctions are real, stupid and acts of war. But the are not the blunt force attacks that take lives instantly.
For those used to every president topping the lay in terms of countries they physically lay waste to (as would no doubt have happened under Clinton), trump's alt approach is slightly less worse, so far. That may well be because the money for actual action has run out, and he is only doing what his advisors tell him to, but I think that's not the whole truth.
I get the impression he thinks a business approach (sanctions, like Bill Clinton was fond of) is a more intelligent economic option. He is wrong of course. I think it will backfire massively and is beginning to show that already, which I think is fine if it doesn't result in war. Not fine in terms of us sanctions but fine in terms of the resultant tit for tat those sanctions and other flexing will do for the us.
There might be a lot of Americans completely against those sanctions, shitting on China, and Venezuela, the refugees stuff. But it seems there are still a lot more ok with it.
If it takes the us to hurt economically to change some minds there, maybe that's a positive long game. Trump is a fool, only still rich because there was more money I the pot to fund his stupidity. It's not hard to get rich if you start rich.
All this of course way off topic, but my point is that compared to instant death from above (the last several presidents) one that focuses on sanctions (instead of them only being one tool in their kit) is probably slightly dangerous than his predecessors. Particularly when it seems everyone else in the world is at least five steps ahead of him (and the U.K. For that matter).
Again, not defending him or sanctions. Saying that the rhetoric probably does match as far as it can for any us president. He is still a murderer, but not so far as much of one as Obama was I the first two years, or bush was after launching two invasions.