Born to rule, for Zion... Archived Message
Posted by David Macilwain on July 25, 2019, 2:54 am, in reply to "Re: Has anyone kept count of the number of times Corbyn has surrendered to zionist antisemites?....nm"
Or so it seems. If you read the piece on RT about Rachel Johnson's story of the Kibbutz in 1984, fresh from Balliol college... you see how deep the Zionism goes in this society of privelege and exceptionalism. That he chose Priti Patel to be Home Secretary suggests to me that the Tanker hijack scheme was Bibi's idea and effort as much as Bolton's, but with intimate collaboration from Whitehall. This of course also reveals who was behind the plot to destroy Corbyn on antisemitism. As usual unfortunately, and no doubt intentionally, the malignant Zionist thought is covered over with Jewishness - which no one can criticise. Where that leaves us with Iran is not in a nice place, and the tankers won't somehow just go away, even though Hunt apparently has. Await more info on new FS and Defence Sec...