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    Dmitry Orlov - latest: How to Fake a Mission Archived Message

    Posted by Rich on July 25, 2019, 4:17 pm


    Thursday, July 25, 2019

    How to Fake a Mission

    Some people, unable to argue against all the evidence that the Apollo missions to the Moon were all faked, fall back on the defense that faking them and keeping the fakes secret would have been too difficult. It is possible to counter them simply by throwing a logic textbook in their general direction: what’s harder to do, land on the moon six times with zero casualties, or fake the whole thing and keep it quiet? The latter is just an exercise in public relations, and PR ain’t rocket science.
    Another approach is to get specific. Information on how exactly the whole thing was faked isn’t particularly hard to find if you know where to look. Steps in faking the moon landings were the following:

    1. Bribe or browbeat the Soviet leadership of Nikita Khrushchev and subsequent Soviet and Russian leaders to go along with the fake and to keep it quiet.

    2. Simulate launches of Saturn V rockets, none of which could have ever made it to space.

    3. Simulate radio communications between flight control center and the flight crew using radio relays.

    4. Falsify lunar rocks supposedly retrieved from the Moon.

    5. Simulate videos and photos supposedly made while on the Moon with the help of Stanley Kubrick.

    6. Destroy a great deal of evidence in order to make the fake harder to prove.

    7. Stonewall all those who kept asking obvious questions for five decades running.

    Here's how it was done. (Patreon) (SubscribeStar)

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