Re: Four new junior ministers and their provenance Archived Message
Posted by Raskolnikov on July 26, 2019, 7:07 am, in reply to "Four new junior ministers and their provenance"
Not to mention the "formerly disgraced minister" Priti Patel; pretty by name, hideous by nature. Another snake that should never be anywhere near public service let alone cabinet but in she waltzes. The gravy train never stops with these bastards: Patel, who was appointed on Wednesday by the new prime minister, Boris Johnson, as a part of a wholesale gutting of the cabinet, has been working for Viasat for the past three months as a strategic adviser on a salary of £5,000 a month for five hours’ work a month. Five grand for five hours a month..... Viasat, a Californian company with a UK base in Farnborough, supplies services and products to the Ministry of Defence (MoD). The MoD works in collaboration with the Home Office on numerous projects, including the Innovation and Research Insights (IRIS) Unit, which sets up technology-based contracts for both departments. Patel, who was forced to resign from government two years ago for failing to disclose secret meetings with Israeli ministers, is understood to have been advising Viasat on a matter relating to India. Hmmmm. I'm sure it was all above board and not corrupt in the slightest. This cabinet is worse than any of the monstrosities Thatcher inflicted on the public and I never thought I would live to say that. Dreadful days.