More questions on Iran tanker... Archived Message
Posted by David Macilwain on July 26, 2019, 9:22 am, in reply to "Re: Iran – Seizure of a British Tanker – more than Tit for Tat"
Which still it seems few people point out would not have been doing something illegal, even against illegal EU sanctions, because there is no prohibition on taking oil TO Syria! That is because in 2011 when the sanctions came in, Syria had no need of oil because it had its own. The "sanctions" squeeze on Syria's oil and gas supplies was effected through proxies IS and SDF by their occupation of the oil and gas fields, and most recently be significant actions to prohibit the sale of Syrian oil to Syria. I also believe that the Iranians were tricked into legally detaining the UK's tanker so that the UK could continue to hold the Iranians' one. It has slipped off the radar, but could come back in a flash, so to speak..