The Manafort hoax allowed US authorities to make a formal request to Ecuador to hand over Assange's belongings from the embassy after his political asylum was unlawfully terminated.
Even though Mueller knows it's a hoax the 'investigation' is the pretext to get his belongings
"The Guardian's Manafort fabrication was instrumentalised by US Congressmen/DoJ to make Assange more vulnerable to persecution & turn his asylum into a legal vacuum.
Ecuador's cooperation with US DoJ on Assange is formally "
Asistencia Penal Internacional No. 376-2018". [see tweet for photograph of relevant document]
When President Moreno revealed he was shipping Assange's belongings to US DoJ the UN intervened making a formal, private request to Ecuador to be present to monitor the seizure. Ecuador refused UN monitoring. Lawyer @CarlosPovedaMo1
denounced chain of custody had been broken.