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    The weaponisation of the Guardian's fake Manafort story Archived Message

    Posted by margo on July 28, 2019, 10:46 am

    Guardian editor Viner's silence around Luke Harding's fake story has even more import, if this lawyer Hanna Jonasson's assertions stand. Why was the Manafort story fielded in The Guardian in the first place? Why has the newspaper never apologised for or retracted it, after it was proven false?

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    from @AssangeLegal:

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    The Manafort hoax allowed US authorities to make a formal request to Ecuador to hand over Assange's belongings from the embassy after his political asylum was unlawfully terminated.
    Even though Mueller knows it's a hoax the 'investigation' is the pretext to get his belongings

    "The Guardian's Manafort fabrication was instrumentalised by US Congressmen/DoJ to make Assange more vulnerable to persecution & turn his asylum into a legal vacuum.
    Ecuador's cooperation with US DoJ on Assange is formally "Asistencia Penal Internacional No. 376-2018". [see tweet for photograph of relevant document]

    When President Moreno revealed he was shipping Assange's belongings to US DoJ the UN intervened making a formal, private request to Ecuador to be present to monitor the seizure. Ecuador refused UN monitoring. Lawyer @CarlosPovedaMo1
    denounced chain of custody had been broken.

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