First off, it's 3 years old Archived Message
Posted by scrabb on July 28, 2019, 3:11 pm, in reply to "Re: Some good stuff and some rubbish on Chavez imo. nm"
The whole tenor and tone of this piece is wrong-headed. Instead of going into the tiniest detail of what Corbyn did or said years ago (something his detractors will love because ir keeps the pot of suspicion and accusation bubbling endlessly) the focus should have been on the people inventing and disseminating Corbyn smears and more explicitly, on exposing their motives. As with Corbyn himself in the face of smears, this article starts off on the back-foot and is forever fighting from a defensive, retreating position. You can never win by adopting this position -- as Corbyn himself has demonstrated time and time again. By repeatedly apologising or "defending" yourself against baseless smears you are simply playing by their rules on their pitch and, by definition, can never win. Yield an inch to Zionist demands and, as we know, they next want a yard. You have to expose and attack the people making such accusations and put them on the back foot. I've just been watching the film Trumbo (third time) about the Hollywood screenwriter Dalton Trumbo who was blacklisted and imprisoned for being a communist sympathiser and supporter (even though communism was not itself a proscribed political credo in the US in 1947). In most of the film the writers and actors (Trumbo and Edward G Robinson principally) spend all their energy on fighting a hopesless rearguard action against McCarthy and his thugs. It is only when the director Otto Preminger, for his film Exodus, and Kirk Douglas, for the film he produced and starred in, Spartacus, defy the House Un-American Activities committee by not only hiring Trumbo to write the scripts, but insist on his name appearing in the credits. After that, the whole edifice started to totter and collapse.