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    Not me, I really cannot understand you. but of course I live.... Archived Message

    Posted by John Monro on August 2, 2019, 10:34 am, in reply to "Britain’s National Breakdown Over Brexit"

    ... in New Zealand, so what do I know? But I do care, it's my real home and much of my family live there.

    But there's no arguing now - the country's divided down nearly tribal lines, and it needs something powerful to break tribal affiliations - maybe like reality?

    I cannot for the life of me fathom why nominally left wing people posting to this site should be lying in the same bed with the extreme right wingers and chancers that now govern your country, it's totally bizarre. We know that most of the debate during the referendum was propaganda, and the leavers just has much more money and much better propaganda funded in large measure by secret accounts related to far right wing organisation s in the US . I honestly think you've been successfully brain-washed.

    If Britain crashes out of the EU without an agreement or some practical form of customs union, then I really fear for the integrity of the UK and the integrity of UK society. There are really serious political, economic, environmental and geopolitical issues already blowing their rough grey seas onto your shore line, the economic barometer is falling fast, and all Brexit has done is to divert your attention from them. But they're there all right, Brext or no Brexit, and even a retreat in Wales mightn't be that immune from the storm.

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