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    Re: Iran seizes another tanker in the Gulf Archived Message

    Posted by Raskolnikov on August 4, 2019, 10:45 am, in reply to "Iran seizes another tanker in the Gulf"

    Australia’s defence minister Linda Reynolds says the Morrison government is giving “very serious consideration” to a formal request from the Trump administration to join a US-led coalition to protect shipping in the Gulf from Iranian military forces.

    Reynolds told journalists on Sunday after annual security talks between the Australian and American foreign affairs and defence ministers that the Morrison government was deeply concerned by the heightened tensions in the region, and strongly condemned the attacks on shipping in the Gulf.

    The US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, who was set to dine with Scott Morrison in Sydney on Sunday night, made it clear in his opening remarks at the Australia–US Ministerial Consultations (Ausmin) press conference that America wanted Australia to join the operation to stare down Iran.

    Characterising the relationship between Washington and Canberra as “unbreakable”, Pompeo said: “We hope Australia will partner with us [on] some of the most pressing foreign policy challenges of our time, like efforts to stabilise Syria and keep Afghanistan free of terror, and confront the Islamic Republic of Iran’s unprovoked attacks on international shipping in the Strait of Hormuz.”

    Jesus wept; what a crock of shit that line is. It really is a mirror image of the truth, "efforts to destablise Syria and keep Afghanistan full of terror".

    The Aussies have made a habit of this (colluding with the states in their illegal wars and general ####ery) for a long time and I don't expect this to change any time soon.

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