Re: Worrying message from Pilger today, after a visit to Assange Archived Message
Posted by margo on August 7, 2019, 5:56 pm, in reply to "Re: Worrying message from Pilger today, after a visit to Assange"
It's not at all a good look for the UK... or the US or Sweden. More people have become aware of the facts, globally. What kind of rights do prisoners have in the UK? Can Red Cross International doctors not ask to visit? What medication is he on? Are they "anti-anxiety" meds - given after it was reported he couldn't string two thoughts together after a month in Belmarsh, when he'd lost 20lb? Depending on the type of meds, some can act as a cerebral cosh, leaving one unable to properly focus on documents etc... which is what his lawyers need him to do. The reason it's so important that Assange actually focus on all documents and know his case backwards is that once he gets into the Alexandra, Virginia court-room the case is secret and Assange's lawyers will be banned from the room: he will have to fight for himself behind closed doors before a judge with a a 100% record of putting people away. Does this unnamed "medication" (for unnamed affliction) affect his cognitive functioning in any way? Remember the worrying reports initially from Lt-Col Karen Kwiatkowski that interrogators in Belmarsh had administered "psychotropic" drugs --- a report never properly confirmed or denied by anyone? Pilger chooses his words carefully: the fact he today uses the words "medication" and "fear" = red flags from a credible eye-witness