Re: Seems that Rachel Riley was a bit premature in her celebrations. Archived Message
Posted by Raskolnikov on August 7, 2019, 7:15 pm, in reply to "Seems that Rachel Riley was a bit premature in her celebrations. "
She also got into hot water by trying to convince a certain flower company (I spaced on the name right now and lost the link to the twitter thread but will try to dig it up) to remove their advertising from the Canary which they instantly did with no apparent examination of the facts. The reaction was similar to the one in the thread linked above except in the opposite direction, i.e. people cancelling their contracts with the flower company or deciding to never use them again. So she's lost them plenty of business as collateral damage in her little campaign to silence whoever she's told to silence. She really is vile and I hope the backlash (#BoycottRachelRiley among other things) really picks up. You would imagine her handlers will look after her though; no shortage of gigs in "meeeja" for the witch hunters.