GAZA brings us into a unique place beyond the reach of television news reports to reveal a world rich with eloquent and resilient characters, offering us a cinematic and enriching portrait of a people attempting to lead meaningful lives against the rubble of perennial conflict. Directed by Garry Keane (The Deafening, The Writing in the Sky) and award-winning conflict photographer Andrew McConnell.'
PS Not 'perennial conflict'. s/be 'Perennial attack by the Occupier on 2m people living on a tiny strip of sandy land at the edge of the Mediterranean.'
Mr O'Connell has just appeared on Sky News talking about his film, now on release. Well done to Sky for including this on their peak time breakfast programme. Do not expect to see the film it at your local Odeon in the UK though and do not expect to hear about it from the BBC. Their breakfast luvvies are sitting on their red sofa in Edinburgh in the open. Will it rain on them? .
It was even difficult to get a link to 'Gaza' on Google. They kept giving me links to 'Gaja' an Italian wine and so on. Disgraceful manipulation of the internet.