Re: Article the Guardian doesn't want you to read Archived Message
Posted by Raskolnikov on August 8, 2019, 9:04 am, in reply to "Re: Article the Guardian doesn't want you to read"
The NYT is worse than the fraudian with its smearing propaganda bullshit. Every paragraph of that hit piece is dripping with constructed venom. Ms. Gabbard, 38, was a soldier in Iraq and currently serves as a major in the Hawaii Army National Guard, which she cites to temper her message: Get out of foreign wars. Leave other countries alone. Not everyone wants democracy. Notice how they tack that last one on as if that's what not invading other countries means or she's saying "not everyone wants democracy". Not everyone wants their country to be bombed to rubble, overrun by terrorists and then sold to a bunch of vulture capitalists. She has a relatively bare-bones political operation and a history of outlier positions, from her foreign policy stances to suing Google for free-speech impingement. Outlier position? Suing Google? Of course they frame it as somehow her fault that she had to do that. But her run, and the unusual cross-section of voters she appeals to — Howard Zinn fans, anti-drug-war libertarians, Russia-gate skeptics, and conservatives suspicious of Big Tech Smear, smear, smear, smear. On the far left, her supporters appreciate how she talks about respecting Native cultures. On the right, as liberal democracies see authoritarian strongmen rise, Ms. Gabbard’s allies like that she would not meddle with dictators. Notice how she tries to link her to "the right" and "authoritarian strongmen". The threat from Russia is severely exaggerated, Ms. Gabbard says. Do not beat the drums of war with Iran. Make nice with North Korea. This idiot actually thinks these are negative points? She flew to Syria in 2017 and had what seemed to be a friendly meeting with Bashar al-Assad, shocking her colleagues in Congress, and voted against a House resolution condemning the dictator’s war crimes. More recently, she said Mr. Assad was “not the enemy of the United States.” What seemed to be a friendly meeting? Were you there? Would it be better if she was in there screaming and shouting and threatening to kill him? Critics have called her actions un-American. After Ms. Gabbard tore into presidential candidate Kamala Harris for her prosecutorial record during the second Democratic debates on Wednesday, the California senator on CNN called Ms. Gabbard an “apologist for an individual, Assad, who has murdered the people of his country like cockroaches.” Notice it's "Ms. Gabbard" but "presidential candidate Kamala Harris" and "California senator", not Congresswoman Gabbard. Just another attempt to delegitimise her and make it look like she's attacking "serious" people. To Ms. Gabbard, it is the United States that has been the cruel and destabilizing force. "To Ms. Gabbard" such a passive aggressive, condescending tone all the way through this article. And as for the statement the U.S. has been the cruel and destablizing force? D'YA FUC.KING THINK? “We should be coming to other leaders in other countries with respect, building a relationship based on cooperation rather than with, you know, a police baton,” she says. Clearly a thought criminal. She also has attracted the attention of some figures in the alt-right, in part because they imagine that a reordering of America’s role abroad also means pulling away from its longstanding alliance with Israel. David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan leader, has tweeted approvingly of her. Asked about this unsavory support, Ms. Gabbard, exasperated, says she disavows it, as she has several times before. That didn't stop you bringing it up again to get it into your smear screed did it? As this fan base has risen around her, some who track Russian disinformation campaigns say they see troll activity pushing for Ms. Gabbard as well. Well shit. What do you know? The Russians did it. This piece of shit was written by this piece of shit: Nellie Bowles covers tech and internet culture from San Francisco for The New York Times. Before joining The Times, she was a correspondent for “VICE News Tonight.” She has written for California Sunday, Recode, The Guardian, and the San Francisco Chronicle. What is it with the hit pieces being farmed out to the tech reporters? The infamous Olivia Solon hit piece on Vanessa Bealey et. al. springs to mind. I presume it's just that the "real" reporters don't want to get their hands dirty having to shovel so much shit. I'd like to show this reporter my best Joe Pesci impression.