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    Re: Trump...Greenland...Blame it on the Russians... Archived Message

    Posted by Raskolnikov on August 22, 2019, 6:52 am, in reply to "Trump...Greenland...Blame it on the Russians..."

    I noticed this last night and couldn't quite believe my eyes. They truly are ridiculous.

    This seems to be the main "evidence" for this being a Russian plot:

    There are unknown quantities of oil, gas and rare earth metals in the arctic, and the region’s powers – Denmark among them – can either green light a global free-for-all or restrain the usual human plunder of one of the last pristine frontiers on the planet. You can guess where Russia sits on this spectrum of environmental concerns in the middle of our climate crisis.

    So the U.S. has never made deals and policy, bombed, invaded, facilitated coups to get hold of oil, gas and rare earth metals? Right you are then. Must be the Russians.

    I can also guess where AMERICA sits on that specturm of environmental concern and it sure as shit isn't at the other end from Russia.

    Trump has made himself look like the moron he is with his "I'm not coming to visit Denmark unless you sell me Greenland" nonsense but holy shit, get a grip fraudian.

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