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    Some people nail it, in just a few words Archived Message

    Posted by margo on August 26, 2019, 12:45 pm

    Why it's still worthwhile following certain accounts on Twitter - accounts of journalists who are denied mainstream platforms :

    Caitlin Johnstone tweets:

    @caitoz --

    "This will be obvious to most of my followers, but FYI all the MSM cheerleading over the Hong Kong protests is just as much bootlicking
    bullshit as the MSM cheerleading over the protests and uprisings in Libya, Syria, Venezuela and Iran were.
    Don't be a pro-bono CIA propagandist".

    John Wight tweets

    @JonWright1 --

    "The West's favourite Russian dissident, Alexei Navalny, is released from Russian custody [after one month]
    Meanwhile western dissidents Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning continue to languish in the jails
    of the 'free world' for exposing that world's war crimes and high crimes".

    Putin foe Navalny released from jail

    LA Times Link

    Jailed Russian journalist Golunov freed, all charges dropped
    USA Today Link

    Message Thread:

    • Some people nail it, in just a few words - margo August 26, 2019, 12:45 pm