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    Paxman grovelling to his betters Archived Message

    Posted by scrabb on August 26, 2019, 5:48 pm, in reply to "Re: 'E's gone! Lord Tim Bell"

    Bell's death reminds of the time he was interviewed by Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight. It was to do with some scandal or other when the firm was broken up. Paxman slimed his way through a so-called "interview" in which he didn't ask a single hard question, but smirked confidentially to Bell, who sat there like an arrogant pork pie, the two of them knowing their place in the social order. There was another interviewee (might have been a Labour MP or a trades unionist) who was critical of Bell's role in the scandal, and I well remember Paxman slouching in his chair and speaking carelessly over his shoulder to this chap, in a very insolent, insulting manner, as if he didn't deserve to be addressed directly. Watching this charade without context you'd be forgiven for thinking that Bell was the good guy and his critic the villain. It demonstrated so clearly what a toady Paxman was to the establishment, sucking up to crooks and scoundrels, and playing the playground bully to the official enemy.

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