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    Re: Pilger reports back on this weekend's visit to Belmarsh prison Archived Message

    Posted by margo on August 28, 2019, 2:40 pm, in reply to "Re: Pilger reports back on this weekend's visit to Belmarsh prison"

    It is terrible. But, overall, the UK population is not powerless. What's needed is outreach - in person or by mail - to appropriate people in local communities: human rights advocates, law professors, mental health NGOs, etc, who understand UK laws and protocols ... and could take action over violations and inconsistencies.

    Why has UK snubbed the worrying report from a senior psychiatrist - who visited Assange alongside UN's Nils Melzer?
    Remember when Swedish lawyer Per Samuelson visited and reported that "Assange couldn't string two sentences together".
    Pilger reports he's being "medicated"... for what and with which medication? What are the side-effects?

    How does the UK Prison Services treatment of him (solitary confinement, delayed medical treatment) gel with UK govt's (and Royal Family Prince William's) trumpeted commitment to 'Mental Health'?

    Continuing weight loss is a medical red-flag because it can be symptomatic of cancer and other life-threatening illness. Can Red Cross International doctors not be called in for second opinion, under Geneva Convention? Who would motivate for that... his lawyers? Where are his lawyers on this?

    As the excerpt of Johnson's statement below shows (in bold), violations of human rights take place in terms of (a) ability of an individual to prepare a case against a state and (b) solitary detention.
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    Now, with the full force of the US national security state bearing down on him, Julian Assange has been stripped of his most basic abilities to protect himself.
    He is denied even the ability to view the documents in his case, in order to inspect and understand the evidence against him. He is denied regular contact with his lawyers, and access to a computer. In other words, he is forced, day and night, do nothing but wait, helplessly, for whatever wrath the US government intends to unleash upon him.

    This is beyond barbarically psychologically cruel. Emotionally, it is akin to holding someone bound and gagged in the basement while their assailant stands outside sharpening their knives.

    It is also a violation of Julian Assange’s human right to adequately prepare his defence.

    As if all of this weren’t enough, Julian Assange is also being deprived of one of the most fundamental human psychological needs, which is human contact. Even without the threat of US extradition, the kind of isolation that Julian is suffering is deeply damaging to human beings. We are social animals and need social connection.

    For that reason, prolonged solitary confinement of more than 15 days has been defined by the United Nations as torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment. Beyond 15 days, solitary confinement is considered “prolonged” because some of the adverse psychological effects can become permanent.

    As well as causing a wide range of serious psychological disturbances and physical health problems, the reduced stimulation of solitary confinement can cause decreased brain activity, which may become irreversible after just seven days. Concentration and memory impairments can also occur, and can persist after solitary confinement ends.

    The implication is that subjecting Julian Assange to social isolation is not only cruel and inhuman, it may well be damaging his cognitive capacity to engage in his own defence and fight his cause going forward.

    Inflicting conditions with the potential to weaken and destroy one of the great minds of our time in this way, thereby turning him into an easy target, is reprehensible."

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