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    Institute of Economic Affairs. (IEA) Archived Message

    Posted by Mary on September 4, 2019, 8:13 am

    Their young spokeswomen are always on the news channels. One is American and has an annoying giggle.

    IEA: think tank funded by big business rejects public health policies and the NHS
    SEPTEMBER 2, 2019

    'Few weeks go by on the broadcast media’s main “news” programmes without an intervention from at least one spokesperson from the “Institute for Economic Affairs”. However not one of the interviewers ever bothers to press the question of exactly who they are, and who funds them and their rabid neoliberal views, which include rejection of the NHS as a publicly funded and provided service, and opposition to the “sugar tax” and any attempt to combat the obesity epidemic by curbing the “freedoms of the giant food monopolies.'

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