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    Prof Stuart Rees: Compare and contrast Australian govt's treatment of two dissidents Archived Message

    Posted by margo on September 6, 2019, 12:28 pm, in reply to "When The Guardian published Assange's journalism"

    Yang and Assange show Australia’s glaring double standard
    Stuart Rees

    The Australian government is, rightfully, speaking out about the treatment of Yang Hengjun, but Julian Assange has been left in the 'too hard' basket. -- AUSTRALIAN-CHINESE writer Yang Hengjun has been imprisoned in China for seven months.

    Foreign Minister Marise Payne has, rightfully, complained that he is being held in "harsh conditions" and should be released or only be detained in accordance with the rules of international law.

    The Australian government has been outspoken on Yang’s behalf.

    But shouldn't this attention and care be afforded to all Australian citizens? ..../ article continues LINK

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