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    Re: Labour should back Leave? And what about the 17.4 million? Just bugger off I suppose Archived Message

    Posted by Sergei Kirov on September 13, 2019, 2:13 pm, in reply to "Labour should back Leave? And what about the 17.4 million? Just bugger off I suppose"

    You seem to be assuming that every one of the 17.4 million people who voted Leave, are so batsh*t single-mindedly focused on this one objective at any price, that they would sooner accept Boris Johnson’s ostensible plan for Hard Brexit with a complete selling out of the economy to US corporations and thus further catastrophic impoverishment of the many, than to opt for a more pragmatic softer Brexit (or even, horror of horrors, Remain!) under Jeremy Corbyn, with an end to 40 years of neoliberal economic policy.

    I voted Leave, as I would again, every time, if the choice is a straightforward one between Leave and Remain.

    But if the choice is between a Johnsonite Hard Brexit on the one hand, or a Corbynite Soft Brexit or even Remain on the other, then in the interests of sanity I would of course choose the latter.

    I suspect I am not the only Leave voter who feels this way. Which makes me feel a bit resentful at the ongoing attempts in some quarters to portray the 17.4 million as a homogeneous grouping of rabid, gammon-faced, middle-aged white males frothing at the mouth about Corbyn’s supposed “betrayal”. On the contrary, Jeremy Corbyn is a hero.

    The mainstream media are attempting to gaslight the public over this entire issue of Brexit, presenting it as if it’s the only issue that matters to anyone. It should really be obvious to anyone in full possession of their faculties as to why they are trying to do this: Self-evidently, presenting the Tories as the party of Brexit is the only chance the Tories have of winning the next election; moreover, presenting the LibDems as the party of Remain stands a reasonable chance of splitting the non-Tory vote, thus further increasing the Tories’ chances of winning.

    I suspect the likes of Jo Swinson is fully aware of this: she, along with everyone else in the Establishment ranks, has one goal and one goal only: to stop Jeremy Corbyn.

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