Re: BadEmpanada: Nationalism: Good? Bad? It's Complicated Archived Message
Posted by Sinister Burt on September 19, 2019, 8:30 pm, in reply to "Re: BadEmpanada: Nationalism: Good? Bad? It's Complicated"
"A completely different political culture compared to one of the colonised states who attempted to push off the imperial yoke, and particially succeeded. Are we supposed to learn something from them? I wonder what that is exactly?" Well i learned a little something about the history of south america, an area which is a bit lacking for me - correcting for inevitable eurocentrism always feels worthwhile - and living in the cultural dregs of an empire makes learning that sort of stuff even more important surely. Anyway, learning about how capitalism worked it's magic in the context of south american history is still relevant, as it's still going on. He who controls the past etc. "What's ironic is that today there are powerful forces in the UK, that pretend to be 'patriotic' using nationalist rhetoric in relation to Europe, but at the same time are really pushing the UK into a virtual colonial relationship to the United States. Once North American was our colony and now, we have more-or-less turned into theirs." There's a bit in the video about bolsanaro that talks about how his particular form of nationalism in a similar way effectively roots for someone else's nation at the expense of his own (preferring some ideal version of spanish/european culture and not liking samba or carnivals).