Re: Humphrys retires from BBC - acuses it of left bias Archived Message
Posted by brooks on September 22, 2019, 1:08 pm, in reply to "Re: Humphrys retires from BBC - acuses it of left bias"
It has nothing to do with the "sectarianism" of the left. Whatever the left is - if it means anything at all - it rejects neoliberalism and imperialism; the BBC supports both. Humphry's position - that the liberal media has a left bias - is a staple of the propaganda system. It is used to justify marginalizing any dissent or analysis that goes beyond idpol and mild reformism, and pretending that the debate between this fake left and the far right represents a genuine spectrum of opinion, thus reinforcing the shared framework of assumptions of the dominant corporate and financial interest groups. And you seem to be falling for it.