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    Maajid Nawaz on LBC ref Corbyn Archived Message

    Posted by Mary on September 22, 2019, 2:39 pm

    Dreadful right wing stuff heard coming home earlier. LBC do not hold back in deriding and mocking Jeremy. Nawaz even had a go at Ken Livingstone.

    Craig encountered him way back when he was with Quilliam which he founded when they tried to close Craig's website down. One Jagger and Husain were the front. NuLabour were funding them to the tune of £1m pa.

    Craig posted several pieces about them and their activities. Then he met Nawaz.

    'There is an interesting article in today’s Independent by Johann Hari about former “Islamic extremists.” Hari too notes the extraordinarily wealthy lifestyle of the Quilliam directors.

    The most famous former Islamist fanatic in Britain is Maajid Nawaz ?” a high-cheekboned 31-year-old who walks with a self-confident strut. I make an appointment with him through his personal assistant, and he strides into the hotel lobby where we have arranged to meet in an immaculate and expensive suit. He seems to blend perfectly into the multi-ethnic overclass who use expensive hotels like this as their base…

    We are served tea by the kind of effusive waitress who works in high-end London hotels. Maajid does not acknowledge her.'

    I get the impression Johann didn’t like Nawaz very much.'

    From what I hear from Nawaz, he hasn't changed. Smooth tongued.

    Still around. A front and extremely pro Zionist Israel lately.

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