"As if the total abd utter destruction of a prosperous and secular country means less than some middle class Remoaner..."
"How could we forget the existential angst that engulfed Tory Brexiters, Faragists and the EDL about Libya, how they expressed their horror about Cameron's decision to join in NATO attacks ...how they opposed the US / Nato proxy plot to eviscerate the country... how sickened they were by the bayoneting of its leader Muammar Gaddafi up the arse...and how they then decided enough was enough and that a move from being US poodle to... um... a US lapdog under Brexit was long overdue and the means of avoiding that kind of thing in the future, because...em...that EU thing btw is bad: badder than baddest bad...and its supporters are baddest of bad and it was all their fault and they don't care..."
Brexitania Redux: the Secretest History of Brexit that Ever was. by Maidi Tup