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    Miracles will never cease. Archived Message

    Posted by Raskolnikov on October 2, 2019, 9:24 am

    Amber Guyger, the policewoman on trial for murder in the "wrong apartment" case has been found GUILTY!! This is pretty astonishing for a couple of reasons; she's a cop! The trial is in TEXAS! TEXAS!! Convicting a white cop of murdering a black man! TEXAS! Amazing. The sentence has yet to be announced though. She is facing 5-99 so it will be interesting to see how much time she gets.

    A comment on this article has some troubling information regarding the police actions in the aftermath of her arrest:

    To my parenthetical aside above, the following facts are some of what I have read regarding the Botham Jean case. In addition to the items cited by another above (her supposedly not recognizing her own hallway or apartment):

    1. Dallas PD allowed the officer to scrub her social media accounts over the ensuing days. Would we have found anything there as a clue to why this might not have been such a dreadful "accident" after all? Nobody knows, because that evidence was "destroyed"...

    2. To my knowledge, no toxicology tests were immediately, if at all, administered by an objective third party.

    3. Amber Guyger's apartment - which she was "allowed" to move out of three days after the incident and no less than five search warrants were obtained to search it, none of them ever executed. I can see why she might not want to continue living there, but her apartment should have been preserved as part of the crime scene and warrants seen through. Why seek them if there was no intent to look? In fact, that reads like someone higher up prevented them from being carried out.

    4. The Dallas PD also allowed her several days, up to five, to get her story/would-be alibi straight and it has STILL changed numerous times in the process.

    All of which is pretty disgraceful but fairly standard practice in Texas (and most other states, but god texas is second only to Mississppi for judicial fuc.kwittery).

    There were apparent links with Guyger's brother to white-supremacy groups which makes the sanitising of her social media profiles a little more suspicious. I will wait and see what time she gets before thinking it's a new dawn.

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