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    David Graeber. Any Turkish invasion/genocide will be a NATO invasion/ genocide Archived Message

    Posted by George Brennan on October 7, 2019, 12:14 pm, in reply to "This time it will be different said the scorpion to the frog..."

    David Graeber is in bad odour with many here - though not with me. Dave Spartacus will no doubt take up some space to upbraid this stooge of US imperialism.

    Jonathan Cook
    9 aug 19 Replying to@fivefilters

    "I'm taking the view that, if an article is good, I should use the real link. That creates a small incentive on the Guardian to run more good articles because it increases traffic. When I link to bad articles (most of the Guardian's output), I always use the dump link|"


    Trivially and tangentially does anyone know the origiin of that fable about the frog and the scorpion? For all I know it may be as old as Aesop. The earliest and most memorable use of it I know was in Orson Welles movie Mr Arkadin. That is quite Welles worst film, but even his worst film fails to bore. Welles was great one for hogging credit when he could, and if he had invented this fable himself he would surely have told the world.

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