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    Labour leader’s office staff thrown into chaos and anxiety by centrist-remainer take-over Archived Message

    Posted by Keith-264 on October 14, 2019, 8:52 pm

    Labour leader’s office staff thrown into chaos and anxiety by centrist-remainer take-over – and denied union representation

    ["Centrist-remainer"....!?! Try fascist wing]

    The hard-working Labour staff of Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘LOTO’ (leader of the opposition) team have been thrown into chaos and a state of trauma by the reorganisation imposed, in a seemingly headlong rush, by Lord Kerslake, a decades-long associate of Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell.

    Kerslake arranged the removal from Corbyn’s office of Chief of Staff Karie Murphy and a number of Corbyn’s closest aides in what senior Labour insiders say was a move to isolate the Labour leader from supporters responsible for successfully resisting attempts to push Labour into a ‘full remain‘ position.

    The pretext for the move was a supposed rift between Murphy and policy head Andrew Fisher – who has said he has no issues with her – and poor morale among LOTO staff.

    But morale among staff has collapsed – only since last week’s manoeuvre – and is worsened by a planned ‘inquisition’ driven by the Labour right’s views of Corbyn’s office and from which staff have been hindered from having union representation.

    Emails leaked to ITV’s Robert Peston have revealed that, as one senior Labour figure told the SKWAWKBOX, staff are facing interviews that could affect whether they have a job – and while the interviews are described as ‘optional’, any changes decided on will go ahead regardless so staff are likely to fear being even more vulnerable if they do not participate:

    And while LOTO workers have since been told they can ‘invite’ a union rep to accompany them to their interview, some staff were already interviewed without this offer – and the new LOTO regime has declined to arrange interviews through the unions to ensure union reps (who have a full-time job with the party in addition to their union responsibilities) are available. Ctd....

    Message Thread:

    • Labour leader’s office staff thrown into chaos and anxiety by centrist-remainer take-over - Keith-264 October 14, 2019, 8:52 pm