So, it's goodbye to The UsedtobeReal News Network, then. Sad loss. Shame. Seems that there's anArchived Message
Posted by Rhisiart Gwilym on November 9, 2019, 8:43 am, in reply to "Not good (real)news."
increasing tendency in the alt-news field of silencing/castrating outfits by flooding them with hog-tied money, and usurpation by standard-issue mediaw hore timeservers, as outlined in this NC piece; the VinerFraudian being another stark case in point. I'd noticed too that something seem to have become ballsless about TRNN lately. Hope the two originators can find the spirit to start again.
Left this comment on the contact form linked in the NC piece:
"Subject: Paul and Sharmini. Message: Goodbye UsedtobeReal News Network. I shall be spreading the word about the hostile takeover of TRNN, and recommending that everyone dump it as a reliable news source hereafter. Shame on you! Crash and burn soon! - RhG"