More of ceaseless anti Russian vitriol from the British MSM and this time from the Torygraph and tellingly, not behind their paywall.
'MH17 probe releases new phone calls linking suspects to Russian officials
Dutch detectives have appealed for information about Russian officials who may have been involved in the shoot down of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 and released recordings linking the chief suspects to Moscow.
The Joint Investigation Team, which contains detectives from five countries affected by the disaster, on Thursday released new audio recordings of intercepted conversations that it said suggested pro-Russian militants charged with deploying the missile were directed from Russia, despite Kremlin claims to the contrary.
"The JIT is looking for information on the persons within the military and administrative hierarchy who enabled the shooting down of MH17 in Eastern Ukraine using a BUK TELAR," investigators said in a statement.
"The JIT wants to get in touch with further witnesses who are able to testify about these command lines and the role that Russian government officials might have had." '