Re: Monbiot: Priti Patel’s demonisation of Gypsies is an attack on the vulnerable for political gain Archived Message
Posted by Mary on November 14, 2019, 1:52 pm, in reply to "Re: Monbiot: Priti Patel’s demonisation of Gypsies is an attack on the vulnerable for political gain"
The police are opposed to Patel's proposals. Although she is Home Secretary, she did not consult with them obviously. It turns out she was paying her husband, Alex Sawyer, for working part-time as her office manager. She's up to all the tricks. Wonder if she's been back to Israel since her last trip when she was DFiD SoS and promised aid to the Israeli Army when she met Netanyahu. This is a comment under the Sun article linked below. She didn't step down she was pushed out and rightfully so. No one believes it was a family vacation..she had at least 13 secret meetings in 12 days with Israeli ministers and was trying to redirect the british foreign aid budget to the Israeli army. We will one day find out what personal deals she made with Israel to further her own agenda/career/finances. People are suffering all over the world and yet her priority was to give and increase british aid to the Israeli army, the richest country in the middle east with the most advanced army and nuclear arms. That money would be better used at home to cover the huge financial costs of Brexit we are being forced to pay, or the NHS or genuine countries in need of support for disasters and famine. What a disgraceful confused deceitful and misguided politician. Good riddance!