Re: Thanks for the correction Mary. I should have checked. Archived Message
Posted by Morrissey on November 14, 2019, 11:04 pm, in reply to "Re: Thanks for the correction Mary. I should have checked."
We've just had our local council and mayoral elections. Most notable---and depressing---result was in Wellington, where right wing candidate Andy Foster was installed by a very narrow margin, unseating the incumbent leftist mayor Justin Lester. Foster's campaign was vehemently anti-public transport; he got over the line probably because he was bankrolled by the notoriously anti-union film director Peter Jackson. General election is next year, in November 2020. It's doubtful whether the spectacularly incompetent and scurrilous National Party opposition has the ability to beat the Labour-Green-NZ First coalition government, led by the saintly Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jacinda. (She's regarded as some kind of moral leader by many people overseas, but they are probably unaware that she worked as a gofer for Tony Blair in 2004, i.e. AFTER he was exposed as a liar and scoundrel.)