It wasnt even a World class coverup... Archived Message
Posted by Ken Waldron on November 15, 2019, 2:44 pm, in reply to "Wiltshire Police wins world class policing award for its response to Novichok attack "
Besides any investigation, the whole thing was utterly incompetent: Supposedly contaminated front door: left in situ for many days apparently with totally contaminated handle intact. Supposedly contaminated park bench: left in situ for many days. Police dawdling about both sites without any protection whatsoever. Then... long after the period the supposed poison becomes inert: Full-on bio-hazard suits are suddenly donned everywhere. Door is suddenly removed. Cat and Guinea pigs from supposedly contaminated house (which were taken to Porton Down then returned to this supposedly contaminated house as "uncontaminated" ) are left to starve then then sent back to Porton Down to be put to death and disposed off. Park bench suddenly becomes a danger and is then removed by the bio-hazard priests ceremoniously in full regalia. The entire roof of Skripals house suddenly becomes a contaminated danger months later and has to be removed. At least £1 million worth of vehicles that according to police themselves posed "absolutely no risk" to public are mysteriously buried: supposedly all had mysteriously carried the Nina Ricci Novichok. -These are just from the top of my head: I'm sure there's a lot more. -If the aim was to provide a coherent narrative that agreed with the governments tale then it was a total feck up: A transparent farago of nonsense which was effectively "theatre" for the public, in which the police were employed as mere actors to retrospectively create a drama which had been designed to fit around the piss poor official script.