Re: PCR: Ulfkotte's book 'Bought Journalists' now available in English version - finally - Archived Message
Posted by margo on November 15, 2019, 3:50 pm, in reply to "Re: PCR: Ulfkotte's book 'Bought Journalists' now available in English version - finally -"
I like your descriptions of what Waterstones and the media will do with Ulfkotte's book, should they even touch it. Si One way of getting around this... if you believe in a book and have a little money to donate: order a number of copies online and donate them, strategically. Accompanied by an awareness-raising letter and donated to local and university libraries, local editors, second-hand book shops, NGO offices, etcetera - they are mostly gratefully received. It gets the books into circulation and sparks awareness and discussion, despite the gate-keeping. One set of eyes, at a time. A couple of us pool our money and have done this in our city, for years - with regards to both local and international publications. MediaLens' books, for example, were distributed into our university and municipal libraries, in this way. We've just done the same with regards to Tariq Ali and Margaret Kunstler's great new compendium: "In Defence of Julian Assange". Newspaper editors and two leading law libraries were keen to accept our donated copies when they saw the names of top barristers, Chomsky, etc, on the cover. Looks like this Ulfkotte book might be next on our list