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    Maybe the snotty b1tch will get replaced by a genuine, honourable judge - if there are any left - Archived Message

    Posted by Rhisiart Gwilym on November 16, 2019, 9:10 am, in reply to "Is she Gorn?Let,s hope so."

    Though with the English-raj class (and their Swampie overlords too) in such a hysterical panic at the thought of a mildly-socialist Corbyn government, I wouldn't give you good odds on the chances of that. They've already got US deep-state operators in the courtroom, giving instructions to - nominally British - prosecuting 'counsel' (hah!) in the Assange-persecution black farce.

    They're in the steamroller mode of panicked bosses at the moment: crush anything at all that looks even vaguely like a revolt of the plebs. Triggered off, I surmise, by the wider global outlook which tells anyone awake and paying attention that the rajistas' favoured imperialist racket-pusher, the Anglozionist empire, is sliding slowly but irreversibly down the tubes, whilst their rivals in the North and the East rise just as inexorably (for a little while longer, until the Synergising Global Crises swat them too ).

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