Skwawkbox: The video Boris Johnson hoped to God would never happen has droppedArchived Message
Posted by Sinister Burt on November 17, 2019, 11:38 am
Doesn't seem much in that little clip, maybe more in the full interview. The supposed dalliance with a blonde lady won't do him too much damage in his usual demographic i'd guess, though maybe the conflict of interest will cut through (it makes me wonder who's benefitting fromm her reemergence - is it a tory squirrel, playing for the 'get in boris' reaction - who knows, but seems unlikely)
"The interview Boris Johnson was terrified of has taken place. Boris Johnson has been accused of misusing public funds to take Arcuri on three official foreign trips and of procuring grant funds for her amounting to £126,000, when he was Mayor of London and having an affair with her. He has denied any inappropriate conduct – and has made ‘non-denial denials’ of the affair.
Arcuri had refused to throw Johnson under a bus – but now says she is breaking her silence because he has betrayed her, casting her ‘aside like a gremlin’:
Arcuri also suggests that Johnson’s aides told her to deny their affair – and that the first time she tried to contact him directly after the scandal broke, she was passed to someone who spoke in Chinese.
True to form, the Tories have attempted to blame Labour for Johnson’s disgrace, claiming the video is a politically-motivated Labour attack.
Arcuri now says she wishes that Johnson had declared their relationship as a conflict of interest to avoid her ‘humiliation’.
He did not.
The programme airs tonight at 11.05pm.
It has long been clear that Boris Johnson is unfit for any kind of public office, let alone the nation’s highest.
The Arcuri confession is the latest confirmation of that unfitness – and of Johnson’s fundamental defects as a human being."