Isn't Rob Davis the governer of Belmarsh Archived Message
Posted by margo on November 19, 2019, 11:35 am, in reply to "Assange case: French uncover even more conflicts of interest?"
I'm hoping I'm confused and/or it's not the same Rob Davis. Assange's dad John Shipton told a gathering at European Parliament the other day (Irish MEP's present, as well as Nils Melzer) that Assange had been placed in a "hotbox" before his last court appearance (21/10) which had left Assange (in Shipton's words) "very, very disturbed". A "hotbox" - according to some definitions - is a punishment/torture device used by prisons and army. Causes dehydration, confusion - and if not properly used: death Governor Rob Davis disappears from Woodhill jail as latest death victim is named. 21 December 2016 -- The latest inmate to die at Woodhill prison has been named as Jason Basalat. An inquest into 52-year-old Mr Basalat’s death opened this week and was adjourned until next year. The tragedy brings the sad toll up to nine people who have died at Woodhill over the past 12 months. It coincides with governor Rob Davis mysteriously disappearing from the prison. It is understood he has been seconded elsewhere and a female acting governor called Amanda Moffett is now in charge. Mr Basalat’s death came after other grieving relatives launched a judicial review... The Prisons Ombudsman and HM Inspector of Prisons have also complained about the abnormally high suicide rate at Woodhill. Mr Davis became Woodhill governor in 2013. Since then there has been 17 suicides. The Citizen called the prison this week to be told: “Mr Davis is no longer with us here”. LINK