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    Re: People better wise up quick. Archived Message

    Posted by dereklane on November 28, 2019, 8:05 am, in reply to "People better wise up quick."

    Let's assume for the sake of argument that the 'dolts' on this site actually claimed that because the nhs has begun to be privatised already that it doesn't matter. No one of course said precisely that (an argument for the former does not naturally equal the latter). To criticise is not to condemn, except in the black and white world of the modern mainstream media. But, whatever..

    Under that false assumption, would you blame the individuals (the dolts) before you blamed Blair, Cameron, may, Johnson? Would you blame them also before blaming corbyn who, though these talks happened a long while back has only just discovered them days before the election? Do you hold the individual citizen on a higher level of culpability than the 'leaders' meant to be governing? It's a curious set of standards, Ken. What level of play in the world of power do you have? Would you describe yourself as very influential, moderately influential, mildly influential or as having no influence at all? I'd tick the last box for myself; maybe you wouldn't.

    Back to the story; why is it a crime to criticise the government for beginning the sell off process 8-9 years ago or to point out the machinations that set in play the nhs start back in the late 40s? Is information dangerous to us if it's the wrong information? Should we be buttoning our lips about everything not conducive to labour getting in because to do otherwise amount to be a raging Tory, nazi monster? Are you even seeing my point here? Enough of the fundamentalism already. It is possible to hold two opposing thoughts in ones head at the same time. People here seem to be arguing lately as though to lose a single tenet of the religion of corbyn/remain would lose them the kingdom. Maybe if people bent a little more others would feel less pressure to become polarised. It might even help your cause.

    Thanks, Derek

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