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    Integrity Initiative, Atlantic Council, NATO fingerprints as per usual Archived Message

    Posted by sashimi on December 7, 2019, 1:15 pm, in reply to "Once again...."The Russians done it""

    Danielle Ryan, RT Op-Ed, 4th December

    Media hysteria aside, three points are particularly important to note;
    the first being that there is absolutely no suggestion that the NHS
    documents are fake, the second being that there is also no evidence
    proving the dossier was fed to Corbyn by Russia - and the third being
    that the "experts" responsible for this drama are actors of highly
    dubious intent.

    One of those experts, Ben Nimmo, is described by Reuters and the
    Guardian simply as "head of investigations at Graphika." The Telegraph
    had the gaul to refer to Nimmo and co. as "independent researchers" -
    yet nowhere in the mainstream press, is it disclosed that Nimmo is a
    former spokesperson for NATO, who has essentially dedicated his career
    to fear-mongering about Russia.


    Nimmo has also been linked to the now-exposed Integrity Initiative, a
    covert psyop funded by the British Foreign Office, ironically
    masquerading as an independent disinformation-busting 'charity' -
    which was caught disseminating anti-Corbyn talking points on social
    media and attempting to link him to the Kremlin. In a healthy media
    environment, Nimmo's name appearing on any kind of 'research'
    whatsoever would immediately set off alarm bells - but journalists
    have been collectively infected by a compulsive desire to uncover
    Russian footprints around every corner, so Nimmo's allegiances go
    unmentioned and he is regularly wheeled out as an independent
    source. As for Graphika itself, its website proudly states that it is
    partnered with the US Department of Defense.

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