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    Postal voting Archived Message

    Posted by Mary on December 9, 2019, 4:07 pm

    On December 7th I wrote:

    Up to this morning, the form had still not arrived and knowing that I would not be able to vote in a polling station on Thursday, I thought I had better go down to the council offices.

    I waited ages at a glossy and new reception counter in a temperature of about 30C whilst the poor man in front paid over £75 to the council for some parking permit.

    Various operatives were going in and out of offices along the corridor. They all wear lanyards with IDs attached.

    Finally someone appeared with my forms which I completed there and then. I had to produce evidence of my identity. I asked the chap if there were many like me who had not received the form in the post (promised by 27th November). He hummed and ha'ad and admitted that there were quite a few. I admired him for his honesty. What a country!

    I walked home stepping over the litter and the unswept pavements covers in wet leaves. One or two lengths of metal railing were missing from a barrier along the river. A rainwater downpipe was missing from the Thames Water's pumping station and the brickwork was saturated. Bollards were in need of a coat of paint. No civic pride. Does anybody care?

    Message Thread:

    • Postal voting - Mary December 9, 2019, 4:07 pm