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    Take a look at this (below), then consider: Maybe another Bojoid tory lot-in-charge (lics?) would be Archived Message

    Posted by Old Most Contemptible Twat on December 10, 2019, 12:58 pm, in reply to "Guess which "life-long Labour Supporter" & Remainer wants people to vote Tory"

    the best outcome for Britain, in a back-handed way. The - relentlessly-unfolding - slo-mo disaster adumbrated in these posts at 'Surplus Energy Economics' should be left at the tories' door, where it belongs. The further mess they'll make of it will help to work up the revolutionary anger needed to do something genuinely effective to deal with the disaster. Trouble is: just now in Britain, not enough of us are desperate enough yet to fuel a real revolutionary fervour. We actually need a lot more terminally-disaffected souls like Keith and Derek (and Jamie, apparently ); masses of them! Still too many of us coasting along in what remains of the pampered-bourgeois lifestyle, and too comfortable, still, to get up off our passivist arses and make serious trouble for the gics and their servitors.

    And if Corbyn does get into DS, it'll be him and cabinet who have to deal with the disaster: Not good for getting subsequent socialist governments for facing up to the full-blown shitstorm effectively. So - another near miss this time, then a seriously-socialist government a bit later, might well be the best strategic outcome.

    As I keep hammering, the only realworld responses that will be actually possible - sic! - to these oncoming crises is either scarcity socialism - which will only happen if enough bit-between-teeth unmanageable plebs insist forcefully enough, with riots and lynchings in prospect if we're denied - or brutish neo-feudalism - which will be the automatic gics' default result if we don't. The English-raj class and their political wing in the official-tories will do that for us - and to us - gladly.

    The Bojoid lics may well complete their destruction of the NHS, selling all the profitable bits to their imperial masters in Washington as the lying bastards intend in truth, if they get back now. But the truth is, the NHS can't continue on its present model anyway, because the economic catastrophe on its way towards us is going to prevent that. Whoever's in government, that's a non-negotiable reality. Yet more hopeless, unrepayable borrowings won't change that stark fact. But it will still be possible, under scarcity-socialism, to have a non-commercial public health system, though of a rather more basic kind. We shall have to do a Bevan 2.0 job to make that happen, in any case (with plenty of realist advice from Cuba!). We have no other option. The Synergising Global Crises insist:

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