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    Bunkum! Archived Message

    Posted by Gerard on December 11, 2019, 9:41 pm, in reply to "Sorry G, but the Great Wise Historian has spoken! You must wait to liberated... "

    You'd hope, even pray (but Godd*mn it not think), that they'd know what polarisation meant (and it's dangers), but the tedious inevitability of the call for the Socialist International as soon as the Credit Crash occurred was soul crushing...sure more public ownership, sure protect the welfare state, sure support the NHS..but have some understanding that none of these systems either was or is now perfect (we need to integrate so-called "alternative" medicines into our health care system and end the "easy-out" of leaving them to private practice -and regulate them as we do "conventional" medicine-),.....just plant your feet in the clay and blame the other guy....P.Lavelle was talking about "the end of politics" on Cross Talk the other day and I agree....we are heading into a socio-political/economic crisis the like of which this planet has rarely (if truly ever), seen is (as our Old Tw*t friend observed in his post about physics),, primarily though a crisis of consciousness. Whoever said that our problems were just on the base material plane? Do we truly understand our collective past and the responsibility we have to both it and our future?..People of the late 20c and early 21c believe they are immortal...techno-power has subdued the great beasts of nature....but nature is fighting back! We have but one life to lead....if we remain bound to the material realm we condemn our selves to an obscene scrabbling for resources that we should otherwise treasure and share....Look at this country..the "key-log" in the fight for democracy and anti-despotism... struggling to comprehend the true nature of the choices that face close to the seat of power it cannot comprehend the true visage of the tyrant that sits on the throne...throne for God-sake! Politics as we used to understand it is dying.....'tis why we send a child to do our dirty work....time to "face-up" folks and speak truth to power....I like Corbyn and support his "humanist" (for want of a better word), agenda but he barely grasps the true nature of international or domestic politics... (the old Puritan should take a "wee dram" occasionally), and he speaks softly when he should talk loud but that is clearly because he is wedded to an old paradigm..a redundant dialectic...get into the 21c folks before it gets into you (5G etc.), it's time for a change alright...real's coming whether we like it or not!

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