Beneath his professional Yorkshireman bonhomie, the elderly ex-Grimsby MP Austin Mitchell is a thoroughly nasty piece of work. He spoke to RNZ's Jim Mora a few minutes ago about the election disaster, which he blamed largely on Jeremy Corbyn.....
AUSTIN MITCHELL: People in the north didn’t like his past, his association with radical groups in places like Venezuela and the Middle East.
AUSTIN MITCHELL: The Conservatives had much better advertisements, but mainly it was abuse as usual. JIM MORA: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
JIM MORA: When Boris imitated Hugh Grant in that scene from Love, Actually he was remarkably likable. AUSTIN MITCHELL: Boris is FUN! Who would you rather have a beer with? I’d have a beer with Boris, but with Corbyn it would be a macrobiotic tea or something. JIM MORA: Ha ha ha ha ha!
JIM MORA: Alistair Campbell said Labour needs to re-route his policeies back onto where people live their lives. AUSTIN MITCHELL: Well that’s true!
JIM MORA: A columnist in the Guardian says Boris may not be able to deliver on the promises he has made, but people would rather that thanLabour keeping the promises that it made. AUSTIN MITCHELL: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!