Re: Did Corbyn though or were his hands tied by party rules? Archived Message
Posted by scrabb on December 15, 2019, 5:26 pm, in reply to "Re: Did Corbyn though or were his hands tied by party rules? "
People saw Johnson, whether they agreed with him or not, as acting decisively. That's called leadership. They saw Corbyn as not defending his avowed principles and being insulted by his own party members and doing nothing about it. And "not overturning NEC decisions" is not relevant. He could have stood up for and made his own position clear on these issues. The party rules don't prevent him doing that. Instead he came across, as I've said, as weak and lacking leadership, buffeted this way and that by people and circumstances he couldn't control -- which he could have if he'd wanted to. So the media might have called him authoritarian. So what? They called him loads of worse things anyway. I'm not "picking and choosing which bits of Corbyn's integrity I do and don't like". I liked and believed in all of his integrity. I just wish he'd articulated it and stood up for it as a party leader. I think he listened to too many conflicting views and in the end lost his way in trying to be all things to all people. That, as we know, is a lost cause and a path to failure.