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    Nice endorsement for Mary Berry from little P Louis Archived Message

    Posted by Mary on December 16, 2019, 10:16 am

    It was all over the BBC this morning and is in the tabloids. 'Kate' uses Berry's cookery books and the sweet little chap spotted 'Mary' on the cover. How handy was that? Kate (a future Queen) will be appearing in one of the programmes.

    Berry is actually Hunnings.

    Mary Berry Ltd Diretor
    Mary Berry Merchandising Ltd Director

    'The combined cash at bank value for all businesses where MARY holds a current appointment equals £938.4k, a combined total current assets value of £2.2m with a total current liabilities of £346.7k and a total current net worth of £1.8m. Roles associated with Mrs Mary Rosa Alleyne Hunnings within the recorded businesses include: Director'

    Not to mention the TV fees and the product placements and spinoffs.

    Mr Hunnings had something to do with importing sherry and spirits. Yes Harveys of Bristol.

    Awful scratching of backs between the minor royals and business.

    Message Thread:

    • Nice endorsement for Mary Berry from little P Louis - Mary December 16, 2019, 10:16 am