determine personality types and send targeted ads to fb usersArchived Message
Posted by Gerard on December 16, 2019, 2:59 pm
"Cambridge Analytica's former owner "scraps" info from 2 billion facebook users, passes this data to Tory Party, then using Kosinski tests they determine personality types and send targeted ads to fb users in Northern England. FB likes checks whether ads have intended effect.
Facebook (from their website) can target ads by Location, Demographics (age, gender, education, job title), Interests, Behaviour, Connections and can include people who are connected to FB groups/events, or exclude them! (So declared Labour voters never see Tory Ads).
The final bit deception: the Sock Puppets and Bots, fake social media profiles that pretend to be people just like the targeted voters that buddy-up to them and provide the dopamine hit of "liking" posts that convey the right sentiments, encouraging tribal voting behaviour.
And who operated these sock puppets and bots? Not Tory party members! But bought services, or Nation Intelligence Services... perhaps even UK assets conducting a PysOps? How can we be confident that this isn't an establishment stitch up? Actually I'm thinking it is!"