Re: Your definition is vapid and can be apologetic of any ideology Archived Message
Posted by johnlilburne on December 17, 2019, 10:30 pm, in reply to "Your definition is vapid and can be apologetic of any ideology"
It's not a definition. Any ideology can have an authoritarian turn. Majoritarian democracy which disempowers the minority is tyrannical and is the antithesis of anarchism (or anarchy as I prefer). Of course, in the real world as it is, we are all liable to get our hands dirty, to indulge in activities (like voting) that depart from our ideals. We do that in order to try to improve the world - if only by a little - according to our lights. We are all flawed. But the worst flaw is not to admit our flaws, to claim to be pure, to claim to be always right. BTW, where can I get a nothingburger? I'm trying to lose weight and it sounds like a healthy option.